Saturday, May 29, 2010

Um, hello to the cutest little guy ever!

I have a feeling little Jerry will dig this outfit. Oh, Scott sure know how to pick em'.

Boy Will Be Boys...

... or least the doc @ my 21 week structural ultrasound said so. Actually, it was more of a "it looks like a boy!" She made sure to point out our little guy's "little guy" as proof. And proof it was- he was proudly standing at attention in there! So, yes fam... Jerry and I are having a BOY. We learned about our pregnancy very early on (5 weeks to be exact), so it seems as though we've been anxiously awaiting these gender revealing results for what seems like a century! And we're soooooo happy to know that we will be ushering in our son this October. A healthy baby B-O-Y. :)

Up until we knew what we were expecting- folks would often ask what I "wanted". And it's funny, you see ... I thought i was having a baby girl when i first learned of the little seed that could. I thought that some how i was magically in tune with my body and i could just feel that i was having a girl. Kinda hilarious. I obviously was under the impression that when one is pregnant they have super natural powers and are borderline physic. Phys co? Yes. Physic? Not so much. All that to say that i eventually started telling people that it didn't matter what i was having- i really had no preference at all. I didn't know how to want something other than what god intended to give me. If God physically handed you a gift-would you decline and exchange for something a bit more suited for you? I think not. You'd gladly accept and be on your way.

So, this is it guys. I am mother to a baby boy. When it's all said and first born will go down in the books (and by books, of course I mean my personal journal or maybe a self made Wikipedia page ;) ) as a boy. *smile*

And rest assured, Jerry Lorenzo Manuel III will also be going down in the books. For what you ask? Well, for whatever God intends him to carry out while here. This is the exciting part and i've got a ton of work to do in order to help him get there.

Stayed tuned...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Current Craving...


Give it a try and thank me later. This snack is one of my all time favorties. I can scoop out the entire tub of hummus in one sitting. I wouldn't mind slathering hummus on just about everything...don't judge me.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Who woulda thunk it?!


Soon To Be After...

I love you. *Muah!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Baby Shower Showers and Showers and Showers...

So, 2010 is definitely going down in the books as Year Of The Baby. I mean, it's as if we all drank Kool Aid out of the same Dixie cup- and that Kool Aid happen to contain a million teeny tiny....OK- never mind. My point is...that a TON of ladies in my circle/extended circle have been blessed with 10 little fingers and toes. So, we all know what that means right? Showers. And Showers and yes, more Showers. I may just ask you all to send your gifts via Fed-Ex because there is a good chance that I'll be on Baby Shower overload by the time mine rolls around. *Pause* Who am I kidding? I can't wait for mine. Strange really, because you'd never catch me as a young 10 year old in class drifting off -while our teacher went over math equations- about what I envisioned my wedding to be like when I was "all grown up." There wasn't a big white dress, nor were there birds circling me as I floated toward my smiling prince charming *ding*. No. I was too busy arm wrestling my friend Ernesto who sat behind me- yes, I went to a predominately Hispanic grade school-duh, I AM Mexican.

ANYWAY....I'm surprised at how excited I am about our child's pre-bday party. Luckily, I have some thing to hold me over until it's time to start "helping" my friends plan mine :). My good friend Micaela and I are co-hosting a shower for Lauren- you met her in the last post. Which brings me to the point of THIS post- sorry for the delay. I've become quite the blog fein and stumbled upon this really chic party planning blog. A great inspirational tool- hoping to pull some ideas from them. Take a look at some of the images I pulled from their latest post below!

... and go to: for more!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

More Baby Bumps...

So, our lovely friend Ms. Paula Miranda hosted a gathering this week at her beautiful home in the valley. Needless to say, the valley is a bit of a hike for me but it was well worth the drive and detour! There were 4 other pregnant beauties present along with 3 mommies! I can't say I've ever been around so many hormones! It was a great time and unfortunately i was only able to capture the night with these 2 pictures taken from the good ol' blackberry. We learned how to make a Puerto Rican Rice dish that took some note taking (Still waiting on those notes from our good friend Lauren pictured above)...the rice sent my taste buds over the moon! Can't wait to perfect the recipe. Dessert from Sweet Lady Jane's followed and that Lemon Meringue was ON POINT!
It was a great night and i believe our new community of mommies will continue to be a fountain of knowledge that we can ALL benefit from.
Olivia and Lauren are pictured above with our friend Lena and Arsen's new babygirl Marlow. Isn't she cute?! Olivia is due to deliver her baby boy Quest in June while Lauren is due to deliver her TWIN BOYS Henrik & Dries (sp?) in Mid July. Can't wait to meet all these little guys!

14 Weeks & Counting...

First sightings of a baby bump- turns out there really is a child growing inside of me!